R. Ian Robertson

Charged with a crime?

Contact the law office of R. Ian Robertson.

An Excellent lawyer with over 26 years experience.

Have you been charged with a Criminal Offence Including but not limited to the following:

Assault Charge

There are numerous assault charges that you can be charged with and these charges vary in seriousness and complexity. The most common charge is the charge of common assault. An example of common assault is a non-consensual touch, a push, a slap

Domestic Assault Charge

A Domestic Assault charge differs from a common assault. A Domestic Assault charge is an assault on a family or household member and is considered an “aggravating factor” which makes sentencing for Defendants who are convicted, potentially more severe.

Sexual Assault Charge

Needless to say, being charged with Sexual Assault is an extremely serious charge. Not only are the jail sentences potentially significant, but the social stigma attached to a conviction can be devastating to your life. Offenders must register under SOIRA, Sexual Offender Information Registry Act, for a minimum of 10 years in a summary conviction and 20 years under an indictable conviction.

Assault with a weapon

The charge for Assault with a weapon is a very serious charge due to the use or the threat of the use of a weapon, which can cause serious bodily harm. In the eyes of the Court, many objects will be viewed as a weapon, a baseball bat, sticks, knives, guns, rocks, hammers, tools, and the list continues.

Call me today if you have been charged with a criminal offence - (519) 934-3113

Have you been charged with murder or attempted murder?

You need the best Defence possible!

Attempted Murder

If you are facing an attempted murder charge you need the best defence possible. An Attempted Murder charge is a very serious charge in the Criminal Code. In order to be convicted, the Crown must prove that you attempted to cause the death of another human being or attempted to cause bodily harm that is likely to result in death and that you intended to do so.

If you are under investigation for attempted murder, or believe that you may be charged in connection with an attempted murder, you should call my office immediately.


Murder is the most severe criminal offence a person can be charged with.

First Degree Murder

First Degree Murder is usually when the act is deliberate and premeditated. A conviction of First Degree Murder carries a mandatory life sentence without the possibility of parole for 25 years.

Second Degree Murder

Second Degree Murder usually involves intentional killing that was not pre-planned. A conviction for Second Degree Murder also carries a mandatory life sentence, but the sentencing judge has the ability to allow parole eligibility as early as 10 years into the sentence.


Manslaughter is when there is a killing as a result of a criminal act, where there were no specific intentions to cause death. It is considered a lesser but included offence of First or Second Degree Murder.